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Theatre - Peter Gibbs


Stage Plays

Producer: Bush Theatre, London
Director: David Hayman
Cast: Belinda Lang, George Irving, Chris Jury, Anthony Jackson, David Blake Kelly,
Leslie Schofield.
Published by Methuen

‘Gibbs has hewn a surprisingly funny and extremely well-rhythmed play from dead-end labour and the prospect of collapse.’ Michael Billington, GUARDIAN.

‘A cruel comedy that accelerates to a ferocious farce.’ Irving Wardle, THE TIMES.

‘Britain on the brink of seismic and moral collapse. Sharp and funny. OBSERVER

‘A mordantly inventive first play.’ Christopher Hudson, EVENING STANDARD.

‘Selling the Sizzle’
Producer: Hampstead Theatre, London
Director: Robert Chetwyn
Cast: Dinsdale Landen, David Threlfall, Caroline Bliss, Ann Beach.

‘A multi-faceted and cruelly expounded dissertation on the craft of selling. A light-hearted couple of hours with a sharp subterranean nip.’ Robin Ray, PUNCH.

‘Polished, tough, and hilarious. Spick and span entertainment that leaves you thoughtful.’ John Peter, THE SUNDAY TIMES

‘The play supplies material for two glorious high-farce performances.’ Irving Wardle, THE TIMES.

‘A potent comic voice that searches out a note of human desperation.’ Robert Gore Langton, PLAYS and PLAYERS.

‘It is difficult to get an audience to laugh out of sympathy with a salesman and not at him. Peter Gibbs manages this with memorable sincerity and some very funny lines.’ Rosalie Horner, DAILY EXPRESS.

Peter Gibbs Selling the Sizzle

Bush Theatre - Rumblings

Peter Gibbs Rumblings

Peter Gibbs Selling the Sizzle

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